sunrise: 4:56
I won't keep you with a lot of talk. Spring comes late to Maine, relative to much of the country, but it seems to be lingering longer than it did a dozen years ago when we first arrived.
Imagine the songs of red-winged blackbirds, chickadees, robins, mourning doves, bobolinks, warblers, sparrows, cardinals, blue-jays, crows, catbirds, and a slew of others as you look at the abundance of flowering new life out there in the back field.
apple blossom time
lily of the valley
don't know what these white carpet flowers are called...
wild strawberry blossom
this particular apple blossom reminded me of an orchid
red and green maple
another tree decked out in that fresh spring green...poplar? ash?
sunrising, way to the north end of the field
I love these tall grasses, soon to be higher than my head
bluets - my favorite!