Since my bedroom window faces north, the sun's morning light becomes more and more prominent on my pillow as it moves into its summertime position. I've been too comfortable to venture out into the early dawn risings of May, but most mornings I vicariously experience that wonderful time of early light and first bird song through glass. I take in the sensory experience of the world waking up, then I happily close my eyes again.
It should have been no surprise, that rush of witnessed grandeur that filled me out there at 4:45 this morning, but there it was, like nothing else. Seeing it out the window and standing in the outdoor air are nothing like each other. Perhaps I'll start getting out there more often...but it's hard to say. The sun won't be up later than 5am until after July 10th.
Our Pakistani daughter leaves for home three weeks from today, after her year in Maine with us. She is off on an all day whitewater rafting trip today with the high school seniors, which was what got me up so early. A couple of days ago, almost 21-year-old T and I went with her to Canobie Lake Park in New Hampshire. Q had never been on a roller coaster - now she has been on several, plus a couple of water rides with big splashes. Q loved the water rides. We'll see how she feels about the real thing after today's adventure.
I attended the funeral of a friend of mine yesterday. Cancer. That stupid disease pops up everywhere, and I've had way too much of it too close to home lately. That may be another reason why I've been disinclined to write. Still, the family of my deceased friend articulated their feelings for their father with such sweet sorrow and inspired remembrance that I was left feeling uplifted and hopeful. I suppose that's what a good funeral ought to do.
Here is a photo meander through today's sunrise, including some avian friends. I startled a pair of ducks and caught them taking off, and was serenaded by the ubiquitous blackbirds.
There are also some backyard shots from about a week ago when the trees were still in high bloom. My back field is an exquisite refuge and delight. Its flower display this spring has been especially exuberant, and I couldn't resist including some shots of my very favorite bluets.
blackbird, moon